Over the years, I’ve improved upon the order of the Youth lessons, the format of them, their focus, and the quality of the movie clips. However, there is some value in remembering how things started. So, I’ve saved this page as a way to keep intact some of my original, older forms of lessons. I do not recommend using these lessons, and some of the videos may no longer function, but the lessons might be useful in generating some new ideas.
View “Season 4” Middle School lessons
View “Season 2” Middle School lessons
Season 3 -
Download the Lesson |
Movie Clips |
1 Samuel 3:1- |
Samuel Hears God |
1 Samuel 8:1- |
Israel Wants a King |
1 Samuel 15:10- |
Samuel Anoints David as King |
Session 2 Elijah the Prophet |
Elijah and 450 Baal prophets |
God is not in the storm |
The Chariot of Fire |
Session 3 John the Baptist and Jesus |
Luke 1:5- |
Birth of John the Baptist |
Matthew 1:18- |
Other Birth Story of Jesus |
Mark 1:1- |
John the Baptist and Jesus team- |
Session 4 Jesus and the Crowd |
Luke 4:38- |
Jesus escapes the crowd to pray |
Luke 4:14- |
Jesus’ hometown rejects him |
Mark 2:1- |
The crowd is not in- |
Session 5 Jesus and the Pharisees |
Mark 3:1- |
Pharisees do not Approve of a Healing |
John 3:1- |
Jesus and Nicodemus have a talk |
Mark 12:13- |
Pharisees Try to Trick Jesus |
Session 6 Jesus and his Disciples |
Matthew 16:21- |
Jesus calls Peter, “Satan” |
Luke 11:1- |
Jesus teaches his disciples to pray |
Luke 10:1- |
The disciples do ministry like Jesus |
Session 7 Holy Week |
Mark 12:1- |
Parable of the vineyard tenants |
Matthew 27:11- |
Jesus’ (Roman) Trial |
Luke 23:32- |
Jesus is crucified |
Session 8 Post- |
John 20:19- |
Resurrected Jesus and Doubting Thomas |
Acts 1:1- |
Jesus’ Ascension |
Acts 2:1- |
Pentecost |
Review |
Review of the year lesson |
Review of the year handout |
Movie Clip Review Sheet |
Curriculum > Youth Lessons > Obsolete Year 3