Resources for Christian Education
Children’s Sermons
Messages for children based on lectionary scripture readings
Welcome! On this page are links to children’s sermons for the next four Sundays and
the past three years. Each message is centered on the Gospel reading from the Revised
Common Lectionary for that Sunday. Click the date to view the easy-to-share message,
needed supplies, and associated scripture.
Next Sundays
Children’s Sermon Title
Luke 4:1-13
Jesus Is Tempted
Luke 13:31-35
God Keeps Loving Jerusalem
Luke 13:1-9
God Helps Us Grow
Luke 15:11-32
The Prodigal Son
View my explanation of how I write the children’s sermons and my teaching beliefs
about children’s sermons.
Messages from the last three years are archived in the searchable and sortable table
below. Type a scripture passage or date in the search field to narrow results. You
can also click the title of each column to sort that column in ascending order.
If you have suggestions or comments, share them with me.
How I develop the messages
I mostly think about children’s sermons in three parts, based loosely on the freeway
- First, I want to help the children get up to speed and merge with the story. Think
of this as The On-ramp section of the message. It usually consists of some opening
questions and/or an activity. In fancy educational terms, this approach helps engage
a specific schema (or frame of mind). In other words, we are priming their brains
for some high-speed learning.
- Second, now that all minds have merged on to The Freeway (the story), I now want
those minds to travel the distance. This usually consists of re-telling the parts
of the story that connect the opening questions/activity with the third part, the
destination of the message.
- Third, I want everyone to arrive at The Destination: The Good News. Every children’s
sermon should have a Good News destination. Typically, for me, the Good news is how
a concept in the story is applicable to our lives in the here-and-now. This perspective
of mine is inspired by Jesus teaching that the Kingdom of God is at hand (Mark 1:14-15).
When creating a children’s sermon, then, the answer to the question, “What is the
Good News of this scripture” is my starting point and I work backwards from that
Beliefs about children’s sermons
- I believe children’s sermons should always end in prayer. And because we learn by
mimicking and by repetition, I think its best if the prayer is done in a repeat-after-me
style. Invite the congregation to join in, too.
- I believe a children’s sermon should be between 4 to 7 minutes long. This is one
reason why I am not a big fan of letting the kids talk into the microphone. Sometimes
they go on for too long. Other times they may say embarrassing things about themselves
or their family that is best left un-amplified. Instead, I will repeat their answers
into the microphone, sometimes with a helpful edit.
- I believe practicing a children’s sermon beforehand is essential. Once I’m satisfied
with the actual message, I run through it at least 5 or 6 times. I focus more on
memorizing the transition points than I do on memorizing the whole message. In the
past, I’ve used notecards and recommend you do, too, if you are really nervous. But
the message sounds a lot better when I speak to the kids without notes.
- I believe an effective children’s sermon is valuable to an entire congregation and
its worship experience. Do not underestimate the importance of bringing God’s message
to the people and their children. I thank you for choosing to share God’s words of
love, light and life.