ASK (a.k.a The On-Ramp)
- Good morning! I have a question for you.
- What do you think would happen if you only ate ice cream, chocolate cake, potato
chips, cookies and candy every day? And then, you only drank soda – even brushed
your teeth with it!? What do you think would happen? (wait for answers)
- That’s right, you probably wouldn’t feel very good after awhile, would you?
- Why is that, do you think? (Because that is not healthy food and makes us feel unhealthy
when we eat too much of it)
- What are some healthy foods that we can eat that will help us feel healthy? (wait
for answers)
- And do other people in your life help you to eat these healthy foods - even when
you sometimes don’t want to?
TELL (a.k.a. The Freeway)
- I ask about healthy and unhealthy foods because a similar thing is being talked about
in today’s scripture story.
- In today’s scripture story, Jesus tells his disciples a story about a gardener.
- The story goes like this: An owner of some land wants a gardener to cut down a fig
tree because it’s not bearing any fruit.
- To “bear fruit” is a fancy way of saying that a tree grows fruit on its branches
– except this tree wasn’t growing fruit on its branches and that’s why the owner
wanted to cut it down.
- But the gardener says to the owner, “Let’s give the tree some more time. During that
time, I’ll give it some extra special fertilizer and then we’ll see how it does.”
- Fertilizer, as you may know, is extra-healthy food for a tree. And the gardener wants
to help the tree bear fruit by giving it some of that extra healthy food.
- When the owner hears the landowner’s plan, he agrees to give the tree another year
to bear fruit.
SHARE the Good News (a.k.a. The Destination)
- If we pretend that the gardener in the story is like God, then we see that God is
wanting to help the tree to grow and bear fruit by giving it better food.
- And, if we pretend that people are like the tree in the story, then we might think
about what some of that healthy food might be that God offers us to grow stronger
in our hearts and minds.
- For example, when God offers us love, wisdom, and patience as healthy things for
us to receive that helps us grow stronger on the inside…
- …which helps us to better share love, wisdom, and patience with others.
- Just like the tree in today’s story is given healthier food so that it can grow its
own food to share with the world, the same is true for us with God.
- The more we receive from God, the more we have to share – which is good for us and
those around us.
- That’s the good news for today!
- Let’s pray. This is a repeat-after-me prayer.
Dear God,
Dear God,
Help us to receive your gifts of…
Help us to receive your gifts of…
…love, wisdom, and patience…
…love, wisdom, and patience…
…so that we can then share…
…so that we can then share…
…your gifts with others.
…your gifts with others.
Thank you and Amen
Originally posted March 1, 2013
Updated on February 23, 2025
Written and edited by
Nathanael Vissia
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