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Free Workshop Rotation Model Lessons - Season 2

Children’s Sermon

Luke 4:14-21

How Scripture Is Fulfilled

January 26, 2025

Third Sunday after Epiphany

Lectionary Year C

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ASK   (a.k.a The On-Ramp)

  • Good morning!
  • Have you ever had a parent or teacher say, "Are you listening to me?"
  • Or maybe they were a little bit upset and so they said, "What did I just tell you?"
  • But if they REALLY want you to listen and they think they don’t have your attention, yet, they then say your first, middle, and last name before saying what they want you to hear…
  • Ever have any of those things happen?

TELL    (a.k.a. The Freeway)

  • I ask you these questions to remind us that SOMETIMES, just sometimes, we don't always listen.
  • And other times, though we might hear what a person is saying, we don't always act on what those people are telling us.
  • And guess what -- adults do the exact same thing.
  • Which is why in today's scripture story, Jesus is telling the people that the good news that he's reading in the scripture will be fulfilled in their hearing.
  • What Jesus means when he says “fulfilled in their hearing” is this: If the people would listen to and then DO what they hear being read in the scripture passage, then the good news would actually happen.

SHARE the Good News   (a.k.a. The Destination)

  • The good news that we hear would actually happen in today’s scripture story is this:
  • People would be able to see clearly
  • The not-free would be free
  • Everyone would know and remind each other of God's favor and love
  • Sounds pretty good, doesn't it?
  • In other stories, someone who we see making these same things actually happen is Jesus.
  • But, fulfilling scripture is not supposed to be a one-time thing or a one-person thing.
  • Which is why Jesus is telling the people that they need to fulfill scripture by hearing the scripture and then doing it.
  • And, this is also why Jesus invites us to follow him and learn from him how to be like him.
  • Because, when we follow Jesus, we learn from Jesus how to fulfill scripture, just like he does.
  • And, as we learn to how to fulfill scripture like Jesus did, we also learn how to better share God's healing, love and forgiveness with each other.
  • When we do THAT, scripture is being fulfilled even more so and the good news is happening.
  • That’s the Good News for today. Let’s pray.


  • This is a repeat-after-me prayer.

Dear God,
Dear God,

Thank you for Jesus…

Thank you for Jesus…

…who encourages us …

…who encourages us…

…and then shows us…

…and then shows us…

…how to fulfill scripture…

…how to fulfill scripture…

…just like he did.

…just like he did.

Thank you and Amen

Originally posted January 20, 2013

Updated on December 27, 2021

Written and edited by Nathanael Vissia

View more children’s sermons here

This material is the copyrighted property of and Nathanael Vissia. It is also free. Please use, improve and share this material. But you may not sell it or require any personal information for it.

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