ASK (a.k.a The On-Ramp)
- Good morning!
- We're going to start today by playing two rounds of "Follow the Leader."
- Here's how we're going to play...
- For the first round, we're going to sit in a straight line (like we’re a train) with
everyone facing the front end of the line -- which is where I will be. [ Note: if
the physical space doesn’t allow for this, have the students face you and tell them
to pretend like they are in a single line looking at you ]
- As the leader, I'll sit at the start of the (pretend) line facing you.
- Then, whatever I do with my arms and hands, you need to copy / do the same thing.
It'll almost be like looking in a mirror. So, if I lift this (right) arm, you would
then lift your (left) arm like this, right?
- OK, I think we're ready for round 1. Let's begin!
- *Do Round 1* [Suggested arm motions for the kids to copy: Raise one arm, then the
other arm, then wave them from side to side, maybe add your own arm motion, then
wrap up with some jazz hands ]
- O.K.! That's the end of Round 1 and you did an awesome job.
- What do you think – was that pretty easy? [Yes]
- So for Round 2, I'm still going to be the leader AND I'm going to stay seated exactly
where I am.
- You, however, are going to turn around. So if you were thinking about us as a train,
I used to be at the front of the train, but now I'm at the back of the train (fun
fact, the last car of a train used to be called the "caboose!")
- [ Note: If space doesn’t allow for this arrangement, have the students turn away
from you and tell them to pretend like they are in a straight line like a train ]
- We are now ready to play round 2. Round 2 is exactly the same as round 1 except you
need to keep facing forward.
- But, since you aren’t facing me, you'll just have to guess what my arm motions are
going to be.
- Any questions? [Your answer to just about all the questions is that they have to
face forward and that you'll let them know when the round starts and when it finishes]
- *Do Round 2* [ Suggested arm motions for the kids to copy: Cross your arms for awhile,
maybe add your own arm motion, and then maybe end with the Dekembe Mutumbo finger
wag ]
- O.K.! That's the end of Round 2. Let's go back to sitting how we usually sit.
- What do you think, were you better able to copy my motions during Round 1 or Round
2 or about the same? (Round 1!)
- Why? (Because the leader was behind us so we couldn't see the leader)
TELL (a.k.a. The Freeway)
- Thank you very much for doing these two rounds of "Follow the Leader" with me.
- I wanted us to do this game because I think it helps us think about today's scripture
- In the story, we heard that Jesus, who is the leader of the disciples, is telling
the disciples that a number of bad things are going to happen to Jesus.
- Upon hearing this, one of the followers of Jesus, Peter, decides to tell Jesus to
avoid those bad things.
- Peter, in this moment, is doing just like we did in Round 2 of our game.
- By telling Jesus what Jesus should and should not do, it was like Peter had been
in a line, got turned around, and then thought he was at the front of the train.
- But once Peter did that – he was no longer following Jesus.
- This is why Jesus then tells Peter to get behind him – as a reminder to turn around
so he could see Jesus again and follow him.
SHARE the Good News (a.k.a. The Destination)
- The mistake Peter made in today’s story is an easy mistake to make.
- Peter got so concerned and worried about Jesus’ safety, that he got turned around
and forgot to keep following Jesus.
- The same thing can happen to us.
- For many different reasons, we can get turned around and start to face a different
direction than Jesus is going.
- Which is one of the reasons we worship together, read and talk about the Bible stories
together, and pray together – as reminders of the direction that Jesus is pointing
us to.
- That direction Jesus points us to is how to pay attention to God.
- When we keep following Jesus and learning from Jesus how to pay attention to God,
then we will be better able to live God's better way and share the results of that
better way with those around us.
- And that's the good news for today. Let’s pray…
- This is a repeat-after-me prayer.
Dear God,
Dear God,
Thank you for Jesus…
Thank you for Jesus…
…who shows us…
…who shows us…
…how to keep our minds on divine things.
…how to keep our minds on divine things.
Please help us to keep him…
Please help us to keep him…
…at the front of the line.
…at the front of the line.
Thank you and amen
Originally posted February 15, 2015
Updated on January 28, 2024
Written and edited by Nathanael Vissia
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