ASK (a.k.a The On-Ramp)
- Good morning!
- Raise your hand if you have ever had a staring contest before.
- What rules do you play by? Do you play "no blinking?" Or that you can't turn your
eyes away? Do you sometimes do the “no smiling game” where you keep staring at each
other AND you can’t smile/laugh, but you can try to get the other person to smile/laugh
by telling jokes and making funny sounds?
- Just so you know, I’m really good at every single staring game. I’m so good at staring
games that there’s a state law in [name a state that you don’t live in] that says
it’s illegal for me to play others in staring games because it hurts other people’s
eyes. Ok, that’s not quite true, but IT SHOULD BE!
- So, who here thinks they could out-stare me? I mean, you can’t really, but who would
like to TRY? First one to look away loses. Who wants to play? Any takers? C’mon
just once? Someone? PLEASE!?!?!
- [Pick volunteer who you spoke to earlier]
- Ok, this is very important. Whoever loses this staring contest has to finish today’s
children's time message, ok? Are you prepared to do that? You're not? Well, you
better not lose then! For today’s contest, you can blink, but you cannot close your
eyes and keep them shut. First one to look away loses. Any questions? No? Good!
On your mark, get set, GO!
- [ABOUT THE STARING CONTEST: Make sure you have your cell phone on you and the ringer
turned on as well. Have someone in the congregation who is ready to call you. They
should be instructed to call you within 5 seconds of the start of the staring contest.
While those 5 seconds are happening, feel free to keep talking about how good you
are at staring contests and how you’re going to win. Then, when your phone rings,
pull it out of your pocket and answer it. Look out into the middle distance and say
something like, "Talk to me!" and then "No-no, you’re not interrupting anyth…oh no!
Then hang up.]
- [Note: If you or the other person do not have a good cell signal in the church building,
it might be better to have someone in the congregation set their cell phone’s timer
to go off about five seconds after you begin the staring contest. If you go that
route, once the alarm goes off, look out into the congregation and say, “Is that
for me? I’m expecting an important call” and then realize that you just lost the
contest. Be sure to tell your child volunteer ahead of time to expect the noise
and not look away when it goes off.]
- So tell me, why did I lose? (because you looked at your cell phone)
- You’re right, that IS why I lost – I thought my cell phone call was more important
and it distracted me from the staring contest. Keep that idea of distraction in mind
as we talk about today’s scripture story.
TELL (a.k.a. The Freeway)
- In today’s scripture story, Jesus tells the people around him what the Greatest and
Most Important commandment is.
- Jesus says the most important commandment is to “Love the Lord your God with all
your heart, soul, and mind.”
- I think it can be difficult to understand that part where it says to love with “all
of your mind” – so let’s talk about one way we can love with all of our mind.
- One way to love God with all of our mind is to pay attention to God and then KEEP
paying attention to God.
- That's not always so easy because we have all these other things in life, like cell
phones for example, that try to grab and pull our attention away when trying to have
staring contests and when trying to pay attention to God (and everything else, for
that matter).
- Which is why we have to practice paying attention to God.
SHARE the Good News (a.k.a. The Destination)
- One of the ways to practice paying attention to God is to do so when there are less
distractions around.
- This is one of the reasons why we worship together and learn about God in Sunday
school together - by doing these things, we are helping each other pay attention
to God while there are less distractions happening – usually.
- It is also good to practice paying attention to God when we’re together because then
we can encourage and support each other to keep practicing at paying attention if
one of us gets distracted.
- The more we practice paying attention to God when there are less distractions, the
better we’ll be at paying attention to God and loving God with all of our mind when
there are lots of distractions around us.
- And that’s the good news for today: Let’s pray.
- This is a repeat-after-me prayer.
Dear God,
Dear God,
Thank you for Jesus…
Thank you for Jesus…
…and for each other…
…and for each other…
…who remind and encourage us…
…who remind and encourage us…
…to practice paying attention to you.
…to practice paying attention to you.
Thank you and Amen
Posted October 5, 2014
Updated on September 30, 2023
Written and edited by Nathanael Vissia
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