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Free Workshop Rotation Model Lessons - Season 2

Children’s Sermon

Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26

Accepting What Jesus Offers

June 11, 2023

Second Sunday after Pentecost

Lectionary Year A

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ASK    (a.k.a The On-Ramp)

  • Good morning!
  • I have a question for you – how many of you can legally drive a car?
  • Hmm…not that many of you.
  • Since you can’t drive a car yet, do you think you would accept a car as a gift if someone offered it to you?
  • For example, if I said, right now, “Hey, do you want a car?” What would you say – yes or no?
  • To those of you who would say yes, why would you accept a car when you can’t use it yet? (Listen for answers – should be interesting to hear these answers!)
  • Yes, for those of you who are very forward-looking, one good reason to accept the car is because eventually you will be able to drive it, right?
  • Another good reason to receive a gift that you can’t currently use is that you could give it to someone who COULD immediately use the gift.

TELL    (a.k.a. The Freeway)

  • I was asking about accepting a gift that you don’t currently need because in today’s scripture story, we hear a similar type of thing happening.
  • In today’s story, we hear about three different ways that people respond to the gifts that Jesus offers.
  • One way of responding to Jesus was to ask for Jesus’ help. In today’s story, we hear of people travel to ask requests of Jesus. And, we hear of one woman who literally reaches out for his help.
  • We also hear about Matthew’s way of responding to Jesus. Matthew was not asking for Jesus’ help.
  • However, when Jesus invited Matthew to follow him, Matthew said yes. He didn’t hesitate. He got up immediately and followed Jesus.
  • Finally, we hear about the Pharisee way of responding to Jesus. Not only did the Pharisees not receive what Jesus was offering, they also tried to stop others from receiving gifts from Jesus by voicing their opinion about who Jesus should and should not spend time with.
  • In response to the Pharisees opinions, Jesus replied, “Those who are well have no need of a physician.”
  • Which is very similar to saying, “Those who can’t drive have no need for a car.”

SHARE the Good News   (a.k.a. The Destination)

  • The point Jesus was making was that the Pharisees couldn’t understand why they should receive a gift when they didn’t need the gift right then.
  • That’s because the Pharisees are not as wise as you.
  • A little bit earlier, you gave me a number of really good reasons explaining why gifts can be received even if they are not needed.
  • Matthew understood the same thing as you.
  • Matthew did not need Jesus’ help at that moment in his life in today’s story, but that didn’t stop him from accepting Jesus’ invitation and following him.
  • And because Matthew made that choice, he learned from Jesus how to offer to others the same things that Jesus was offering to others.
  • The same thing is true for us, today.
  • Sometimes, we turn to God and to Jesus because we need help.
  • But other times, we choose to turn to Jesus because we want to receive the gifts he has to share so that we can then share those same gifts with others.
  • And that’s the good news for today. Let’s pray.


  • This is a repeat-after-me prayer.

Dear God,
Dear God,

Thank you for Jesus…

Thank you for Jesus…

…who shares his gifts with us.

…who shares his gifts with us.

Help us to receive those gifts…

Help us to receive those gifts…

…so that we can share those gifts with others…

…so that we can share those gifts with others…

…just like Matthew did.

…just like Matthew did.

  Thank you and Amen

Originally posted May 21, 2023
Written and edited by Nathanael Vissia

View more children’s sermons here

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