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Free Workshop Rotation Model Lessons - Season 2

Children’s Sermon

Luke 1:46-55

Singing God’s Song

December 17, 2023

Third Sunday of Advent

Lectionary Year B

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ASK    (a.k.a The On-Ramp)

  • Good morning!
  • Have you ever played a game of “What’s the opposite?”
  • This is where you say the word that is opposite of whatever I say
  • So, if I said “What’s the opposite of ‘wet,’ ” you’d say ___ ? (dry!)
  • Ah, so you have played before!
  • Let’s do a few more.
  • If I say, “On,” you say ____ ? (off!)
  • If I say, “Open,” you say ____ ? (closed or shut)
  • If I say, “Hot,” you say ____? (cold)
  • But what if I say, “warm,” what would you say ____ ? (cool)
  • You’re doing very well, so let’s try some harder ones…
  • If I say, “mean,” you say ____ ? (kind or nice)
  • If I say, “hungry,” you say ____ ? (fed or full)
  • If I say, “weak,” you say ____ ? (strong)
  • If I say, “hurt,” you say _____ ? (healed or healthy or not hurt)
  • You are all very good at this game – thank you for playing!

TELL    (a.k.a. The Freeway)

  • In today’s scripture story, Mary, the soon-to-be mother of Jesus sings a song with her Aunt Elizabeth about what God is going to do.
  • That song is sometimes called, “The Magnificat”
  • And the words in that song are basically saying that God wants us to do the opposite of the hurtful things that some people experience in this world.
  • For instance, the song says that God wants the hungry to be filled up and wants the weak to be strengthened and wants those who are hurt to know God’s mercy and healing.
  • Sounds like a pretty good song, doesn’t it?
  • But here’s the thing – God can’t make that song come true all by God’s self.
  • We have to choose to join in with what God wants for us, to sing along with God, and share that song with others.

SHARE the Good News   (a.k.a. The Destination)

  • But to sing along, we have to know how the song goes. We have to know the tune and lyrics of the song that God is inviting us to sing.
  • It just so happens that this is one of the main things that Jesus did – he helped his students learn how to hear and sing along with God’s song.
  • And, by reading and talking about the stories of Jesus, we, too, can learn the same things Jesus taught his disciples, INCLUDING how we can live God’s way, a way that is the opposite of hurting others.
  • All of this is why Mary and Elizabeth are so excited and singing about Jesus’ birth in today’s scripture story – because of what baby Jesus was going to grow up and do: Help others sing, share, and live God’s beautiful and good song - including you and me!
  • And that is the good news for today. Let’s pray…


  • This is a repeat-after-me prayer.

Dear God,

Dear God,

Thank you for Jesus...

Thank you for Jesus...

…and the ways he taught us…

…and the ways he taught us…

…how to hear your song…

…how to hear your song…

…of love, joy, and healing…

…of love, joy, and healing…

…and then share that song with others.

…and then share that song with others.

Thank you and Amen.

Originally posted November 30, 2014

Updated on November 18, 2023
Written and edited by Nathanael Vissia

View more children’s sermons here

This material is the copyrighted property of and Nathanael Vissia. It is also free. Please use, improve and share this material. But do not sell it or require any personal information for it.

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